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Today it’s time to play in the field of the Lord

For it is a good play. But I won’t say a word

To all the people yet I wish I could invite:

Come on my friends, get out! Let’s look for things outside!


Talking to none is golden rule, you internaut.

Found out while waiting a train. Just look and note.

There are muggles all around. Be patient and calm and

Careful what you say, till you get box in hand.


To whom it may concern I let a travel bug,

Flowers on a plastic conserve, a toy, a hug.

Together with my hider I claim to be the hero

Conspiring against all but thee who, as I, know.


Till end of time will that fun last, I dare not say.

Final finding is impossible I reckon.

The world is far too big, the objects on our way

Constantly growing: now over a million.


Thanks for the thousand that made up all that treasures,

Fiercely devoted to the good games of ours,

Triggering mechanism, preparing then fixing

Caches in the fresh air while we are just logging.


Today it’s time to play in the field of the Lord

For it is a good play. But I won’t say a word

To all the people yet I wish I could invite:

Come on my friends, get out! Let’s look for things outside!


Talking to none is golden rule, you internaut.

Found out while waiting a train. Just look and note.

There are muggles all around. Be patient and calm and

Careful what you say, till you get box in hand.


To whom it may concern I let a travel bug,

Flowers on a plastic conserve, a toy, a hug.

Together with my hider I claim to be the hero

Conspiring against all but thee who, as I, know.


Till end of time will that fun last, I dare not say.

Final finding is impossible I reckon.

The world is far too big, the objects on our way

Constantly growing: now over a million.


Thanks for the thousand that made up all that treasures,

Fiercely devoted to the good games of ours,

Triggering mechanism, preparing then fixing

Caches in the fresh air while we are just logging.

Aymeric de L'Hermuzière,
Poème aimablement communiqué par l'auteur
que nous remercions.

Mise en ligne le 15 avril 2013